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Google maps is sending people through our back gate - please look out for the farm signboard on the road to come in the front driveway. We are the first turning on the left after the Girls School just as the tea stops.

The easiest way to get here is by car. If you don’t have a car come with a driver who will wait for you whilst on the tour. Please note if you get an Uber here it can sometimes be difficult to get one back.

If you are traveling on Matatu from Nairobi get the 116 and get off at the bottom of Girls School Road (Kenchic Stop) and catch a Boda Boda up the hill to the farm.  

You can find us on Google Maps under Kiambethu Tea Farm or follow the instructions below.

From The Village Market (aprox. 40 minutes)
Take the Limuru Road past the Village Market, 3kms beyond you will come to a town called Ruaka. You will see a lot of signboards and an advertising board for Norbrook, the Kentmere Club and Brackenhurst, turn right here onto Old Limuru Road. You are now on Banana Hill, come 9kms all the way through the villages and past the Kentmere Club on your right, come a further 3kms past the Maramba Tea Factory on your right. Limuru Girls School Road is the next turning on the right, there is a boda boda taxi rank here and the sign for the Girls School. You will pass Limuru Girls School on your right 2.5kms up the road, continue for another 500mts and turn left when you see our farm signboard - Kiambethu Farm.

From Karen (aprox. an hour)
Take the road through Dagoretti Market then turn onto the Southern Bypass towards Nakuru, follow this until the end and ensure you are on the left side heading to Nakuru to turn onto Waiyaki Way or the Naivasha Road. Take the Maai Mahui turnoff when you see the big red Bata sign. Turn right at the T-junction then continue straight along this road until you see another sign to Bata on the left. Continue down this road and at the junction turn right. Follow this road straight for almost 7km passing the Gulf Station on your left, follow the bend in the road and continue again until you see sign boards on the left for Limuru Girls School - turn here. You will pass Limuru Girls School on your right 2.5kms up the road, continue for another 500mts and turn left when you see our farm signboard - Kiambethu Farm.