Contact Us

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  • What time does the tour start?
    The tour starts at 11am and is finished by 2.30 - 3pm.

  • What days are you closed?
    We are closed every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The easiest way to check our availability is go to the “BOOK NOW” tab and check the online calendar.

  • How much does the tour cost?
    The tour & lunch all inclusive package costs 4,700Ksh. Children 12 and under are half price and children 4 and under are complimentary (but please still put them on your booking form).

  • Do I really have to pre book?
    Yes! Our online booking closes at 6pm the night before a tour. If it is a last minute plan for that day you are welcome to phone us in the morning to see if we have availability that day.

  • How do I get there?
    The easiest way to get here is by car. If you don’t have a car come with a driver who will wait for you whilst on the tour. Please note if you get an Uber here it can sometimes be difficult to get one back.

    If you are travelling on Matatu from Nairobi get the 116 and get off at the bottom of Girls School Road (Kenchic Stop) and catch a Boda Boda up the hill to the farm.  

    You can find us on Google Maps under Kiambethu Tea Farm but please read the directions from the menu above as sometimes google picks interesting routes!

  • Is the walk strenuous?
    No, the walk is to the indigenous forest just outside our farm gate, just watch out for roots and the occasional safari ant.

  • Can I come at another time?
    We only offer the tour at 11am it then finishes by 3.

  • Are you a restaurant?
    No, we are not a restaurant - we serve a hot buffet lunch for our tour guests. Lunch starts with homemade vegetable soup and bread rolls then a mix of meat and vegetable dishes followed by cheese & biscuits and homemade ice cream & puddings, tea and coffee.

  • Can you cater to dietary requirements?
    Please let us know on the booking form if you are vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, gluten free or have any other allergies.

  • What’s the weather like?
    We are a little colder here then in Nairobi as we are at 7,200 ft so bring a sweater with you!

  • Can I bring my dog?
    No, please do not bring your dog or any other pets to the farm. We have farm dogs who don’t appreciate other dogs being here and many of our guests do not like dogs.

  • Do you hold weddings and events?
    No, we do not hold other events at the farm.

  • Do you do accommodation?
    No, we don’t offer accommodation but there are lots of Airbnb’s in the area. Search for Tigoni or Limuru.

  • I’m struggling to book online…
    If you are trying to book online please make sure you are not using a VPN - your card will likely be declined it if can’t determine your location as a fraud precaution.

    If you are still unable to book you can phone us (0729290894) or email to check availability and mpesa us directly to confirm your booking.